Friday, November 10, 2017

Free speech? Don't piss off Mark Steyn or Adolph Hitler! Professors defending marginalized communities from a safe distance

Today, Mark Steyn writes,
...The Nazis didn't invent a dictatorship out of whole cloth. They merely took advantage of the illiberal provisions of a supposedly liberal constitution.

...And yet Ivy League profs seem entirely ignorant of this. And their gullible cheerleaders in Teen Beat ...whoops, The Chronicle of Higher Education don't even bother to look it up before using it as the stirring finale to their halfwit hagiography. Because, in "higher education", correct attitudes are all, no matter how tired, cheaply sentimental, and self-evidently fatuous they are.

I'm an hour or so north of Professor Bray in Hanover. If Dartmouth would like to dispatch any of its eager young minds thirsting for knowledge up the road a-ways, I'm happy to teach a course on "Free Speech in the Weimar Republic". It would be nice to think these guys had something to show for that six-figure debt.
Read more here.

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